In addition to five books of non-fiction, Kate Braid has published five books of poetry: Covering Rough Ground (about her experience in construction, to be re-issued in fall 2015 as Rough Ground Revisited), To This Cedar Fountain (a response to Emily Carr¹s paintings), Inward to the Bones: Georgia O¹Keeffe¹s Journey with Emily Carr, and A Well-Mannered Storm about pianist, Glenn Gould. She is also co-author with Sandy Shreve of In Fine Form: The Canadian Book of Form Poetry, which will be printed in a second edition in 2016. Her work has won or been nominated for several awards including the Pat Lowther, BC Book Prize and Vancity Book Prize. A retired carpenter, she loves music, gardening and rain forests. Palimpsest Press released the first edition of Turning Left to the Ladies in 2009. A second edition was released in 2015.