You Are Among Monsters shortlisted for 2018 Relit
Congratulations to Jon R. Flieger, shortlisted for the 2018 Relit award for fiction for his novel You Are Among Monsters! Buy You Are Among Monsters
Congratulations to Jon R. Flieger, shortlisted for the 2018 Relit award for fiction for his novel You Are Among Monsters! Buy You Are Among Monsters
Myra Bloom explores the Writers Leading the Nonfiction Revolution, featuring Sadiqa de Meijer and her new nonfiction title alfabet/alphabet! “Though labelled a memoir, Alfabet/Alphabet pushes this label
Thank you to Kat Cameron for this review of Want in Prairie Fire: “Langhorst plays with many versions of the word home and what home
Did you miss our Palimpsest Press Spring 2020 virtual launch? No worries! You can catch it here, featuring Sadiqa de Meijer, Klara du Plessis, David Huebert, and G. A.
Aimee Dunn (publisher) here to give you a quick update on the availability of our Spring and Fall books. We are so appreciative of all
Congratulations to Ceilidh Michelle! Butterflies, Zebras, Moonbeams is shortlisted for the Hugh MacLennan Prize for Fiction. From the jury: “Butterflies is a sharply observed realist
A wonderful review of Adrienne Gruber’s Q & A, Elizabeth Ross’s After Birth and Brenda Leifso’s Wild Madder from Jenny Haysom! Read the entire review
Thank you Gregory Betts for reviewing We Are Not Avatars by John Barton! “I like especially the moments when Barton conveys how his mentors, including